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워드프레스 플러그인 업데이트: Jetpack by

블로그코디의 워드프레스 홈페이지 구축 솔루션인 BC TOWN™ 기반으로 제작된 워드프레스 홈페이지에서 주로 사용하는 워드프레스 플러그인의 업데이트 정보를 정리하고 있습니다. 이번에 정리할 워드프레스 플러그인은 워드프레스 홈페이지에 통계, SNS 공유, 관련 글, 보안 등 기능을 제공하는 Jetpack by WordPress.com입니다. 지난 7월 6일에 3.6 버전으로 업데이트가 되었고, 업데이트 내용은 다음과 같습니다.


Jetpack by


Jetpack by




  • Enhancement: CLI: Add a number of Jetpack CLI improvements: see
  • Enhancement: Custom CSS: Add more Flexbox support and other enhancements
  • Enhancement: Extra Sidebar Widgets: FB Like Box: New version of facebook likebox
  • Enhancement: Extra Sidebar Widgets: New Social Media Icons widget
  • Enhancement: Extra Sidebar Widgets: Top Posts Widget: Choose what Post Types to display
  • Enhancement: General: Save on some requests! print CSS inline when there isn’t much of it
  • Enhancement: Likes: Likes can now be shown on all post types
  • Enhancement: Minileven: Add Featured Image to Gallery Post Format and Pages
  • Enhancement: Mobile Theme: Add div wrapping View Mobile Site link to allow for easier CSS custimization
  • Enhancement: My Jetpack: Add My Jetpack page for Jetpack connection management
  • Enhancement: Omnisearch: Link to edit post in titles
  • Enhancement: Protect: When status is blocked, use a captcha
  • Enhancement: Protect: Learn Trusted Headers locally and cache blocks properly
  • Enhancement: REST API: Add locale support
  • Enhancement: Sharing: Retire StumbleUpon
  • Enhancement: Sharing: Upgrade to reCAPTCHA 2.0 for Email Sharing
  • Enhancement: Shortcode Embeds: Add Mesh oembed support
  • Enhancement: Shortcode Embeds: New Wufoo Shortcode from
  • Enhancement: Shortcode Embeds: Mixcloud: handle accented characters in URLs
  • Enhancement: Site Logo: Adding itemprops to support logo schema
  • Enhancement: Slideshow Gallery: New parameters size and outostart
  • Enhancement: Slideshow Gallery: Use more reliable CSS for resizing instead of js
  • Enhancement: Stats: No longer track stats for preview pages
  • Enhancement: Tiled Gallery: Improve the shapes and distributions of shapes in the Tiled Gallery, based on observations for its usage.
  • Enhancement: Protect: Whitelist for multisite globally and locally
  • Enhancement: Sharing: LinkedIn always uses https for share counts. (saved extra http request)
  • Bug Fix: Carousel: Jetpack Carousel now supports HTML5 gallery
  • Bug Fix: Extra Sidebar Widgets: Choose Images button works in accessibility mode
  • Bug Fix: General: Fix: Cannot remove hooks from filter ’jetpack_get_available_modules’
  • Bug Fix: Infinite Scroll: Check that search terms exist before matching against post title. fixes #2075
  • Bug Fix: Likes: Never double show on search results
  • Bug Fix: Notifications: Notifications didn’t load on wp-admin/network pages
  • Bug Fix: Sharing: Fix Facebook share button not showing for Australian & Canadian locale
  • Bug Fix: Shortcode Embed: Slideshare Shortcode now fixed
  • Bug Fix: SSO: Hide login no matter what when using the filter to do so
  • Bug Fix: Subs Widget: Don’t hide email input if submit failed
  • Bug Fix: Tiled Gallery: Show columns setting for Thumbnail Grid when Tiled Mosaic galleries are the default
  • Bug Fix: Twitter Cards: Remove deprecated card types



워드프레스 플러그인 저장소에서 관리되는 워드프레스 플러그인은 업데이트될 때마다 무엇이 어떻게 변경되었는지를 알려주기 때문에 이를 사용하는 사용자 입장에서 매우 만족스럽습니다.



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